Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Signing Out Technology


Had enough of the snow yet?  According to my calendar, there are 46 days left until Spring!  For those who are counting, there are currently 139 days, until the last day of school!

Speaking of calendars, please remember to sign out the carts or iPads if you plan to use these devices in your classroom.  We have specific calendars for each cart as well as the iPads.  You can sign out an entire cart or a specific number of Chromebooks or laptops for small workshop groups.  The sign out steps are listed below or here. All the calendars can be found on the Sheehan Faculty Website under ‘Technology.’

Let me know if you need any help or if you cannot locate a calendar. We are so fortunate in 
Westwood to have access to so much technology and I love seeing all of the ways you incorporate it 

into your lessons.

Adding Times to a Calendar
Sign into your Google Account, click on Apps, Screen Shot 2015-02-02 at 2.10.56 PM.png, then Calendar Screen Shot 2015-02-02 at 3.25.48 PM.png

On the left side you will see your calendars listed.  You will also have a personal calendar with your name.  

Screen Shot 2015-02-02 at 3.30.05 PM.png

Find the time and date that you would like the laptops, Chromebooks or iPads and click on it.  A box will appear.
  • Write your NAME in the “What” box
  • If you only need some laptops for small group work, specify the number of computers you will borrow.
  • Screen Shot 2015-02-02 at 3.35.31 PM.pngSelect the calendar you want.  If you do not do this step no one will be able to see your selection.  

Editing and Deleting a Sign Out Time

If you need to edit the time or cart, click on your event and select ‘edit event’.
DELETE your time if you no longer need the laptops during that time.